BUT, it was a snow day none-the-less. I did have to go into the lab for a little bit, but when I got back, we took off to the school and sled down the hills. There is nothing so fun for a mom that to see her kids doing this. Look at the expression on Anna's and her friend's faces!
And how about these photos of my penguin son, sledding on his belly, sans sled?
These two were so happy to have a snow day! So happy to be out in the cold and running around.
And it made me so happy because they were actually happy enough to be sweet to each other.
After that, we went home, made hot chocolate and warmed up. And then Noah went back outside and spent the rest of daylight penguin sledding down our back yard hill. Totally makes the snow shoveling worth it!
I see in their faces that they have a hillarious time in the hills. And that chocolate sounded wonderful